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  • in reply to: How to load google fonts locally instead of CDN #17865

    Hey, thanks for the guidelines!

    Problem with overwriting poka_dns_prefetch() function: in setup-theme.php, the function is defined without the usual if ( ! function_exists( ‘poka_dns_prefetch’ ) ) { on top of it,
    so I cannot redeclare the function in the child functions.php.

    Have I another choice but modifying the setup-theme.php and adding if ( ! function_exists( ‘poka_dns_prefetch’ ) ) { so I can redeclare the finctions in the child theme?


    in reply to: How to add img title attribute on review logo? #17824


    Sorry for the late reply,

    so finally I had to come with my own snippet, using the image title (from the media library) to populate the title attribute of the image,
    something like this:

    function my_function ($attr, $attachment, $size) {
    $attr[‘title’] = get_the_title($attachment->ID); // get the Title of the attachment and use it as attribute
    return $attr;
    add_filter (‘wp_get_attachment_image_attributes’, ‘my_function’,10,3 );

    (of course it depends on project context)

    in reply to: FAQ Fields are missing #17566

    OK I just found how to do solve that.

    Unchecking / re-checking the Enable FAQs checkbox in the customizer and publish did the trick.

    in reply to: FAQ Fields are missing #17565

    Hi there,

    I’m facing the exact same issue,

    I am using Pokatheme 4.04 and there is no “Advanced Custom Fields” installed, I cannot add ay row when I ceeate a new FAQ, just the title.

    Could you share how this problem was solved?


    in reply to: How to prevent the Play Now button to do any redirection? #17554

    Yes right,


    in reply to: Affiliate link not updated #17549


    appreciate the follow-up 🙂

    in reply to: How to prevent the Play Now button to do any redirection? #17548

    Hi 🙂

    Only for specific reviews, those where there is no (not yet) redirection URL.

    I have modified your code above so that it doesn’t display the “Play Now” button when the Affiliate Link URL field is empty.

    in reply to: How to prevent the Play Now button to do any redirection? #17539

    Should I maybe open a new ticket for that question? (how to completely unset a relation Affiliate – Affiliate Link?)

    in reply to: How to prevent the Play Now button to do any redirection? #17538


    thank you for the piece of code, really appreciate it, I will insert it and test.

    To answer your question, there are situations where you don’t necessarily want to send traffic to the merchant right now, but still want to publish a review for SEO purpose.
    So, in such case, you would like to deactivate the Play Now button. Which I couldn’t find a way to prevent from.

    Consequently, I would like to unset the Affiliate Link from the Affiliate (Review), but how? In the Affiliate (Review) edit page, in the Affiliate Fields block, the Affiliate Link dropdrown list list all existing Affiliate Link but there is no option to unset once it’s been attached.
    How can I unset the relation?



    OK I see,

    I’ll figure it out then,

    thank you!

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