PokaTheme Documentation

Follow the instructions below to install and configure your PokaTheme!

PokaTheme Documentation

Follow the instructions below to install and configure your PokaTheme!



The zip you just downloaded contains all the files you are going to need, in detail:

    • PokaTheme v4 theme
    • Your child theme
  • Documentation

Upload the pokatheme.zip file which is inside your main zip via the WordPress Admin Panel. To do so, go to “Appearance”

  • “Themes” in the menu, then select the “Install Themes” tab at the top of the page. Once you are at this page, select “Upload,” then “Choose File” to locate the .zip folder on your computer and select “Install Now.”


    Once you have installed the theme, you can go back to the “Themes” page in the WordPress Admin Panel (“Appearance”

  • “Themes”) and select “Activate” PokaTheme.

Making changes to your theme

There are two basic ways that you can make changes to the theme. The way you choose depends on the type of change you want to make.

  1. If you just want to add Css code, then you can do it from the corresponding Customizer field called Additional Css.
  2. If the changes you want to make concern changes to hooks or override templates, then it is highly recommended to install the provided Child theme and make all the changes you want there in order to have the ability to update PokaTheme in future versions without losing your changes.
    • The theme is using a lot of actions/hooks so you can override/change most of the Poka theme functions in your child theme. For further help about Theme API see the Hooks section in the documentation or contact us in support forum.

Importing demo content

With the help of “One Click Demo Import” plugin importing demo content is very easy in 5 steps:

  1. Activate PokaTheme v4 theme
  2. Install and activate the “One Click Demo Import” plugin.
  3. After the activation navigate to “Poka Demo Import ” page that is under Appearance Tab On Dashboard.
  4. You will see all the available options between demos. Each Demo has 2 options, “Preview Demo” to navigate you to the demo page and “Import Demo”.
  5. Choose “Import Demo” and then will be asked to confirm importing, just press “Continue Importing” and wait until it finishes.

Migrating PokaTheme v3 to PokaTheme v4

Our new version of PokaTheme (v4) uses Gutenberg blocks. Gutenberg is the new generation of Editors on WordPress.It is lightweight,responsive and more user-friendly.Classic Editor support will end soon by WordPress in the near future.That said migration from our previous versions of PokaTheme to new one is not possible with an automatic way.You can migrate your old theme manually.

You can Find more information on this link

Deprecated and redirected Shortcodes from v3

These shortcodes no longer support at the new Poka Theme:
‘upsdowns’, ‘poka_registration’, ‘two-cols-first’,

‘two-cols-last’, ‘three-cols-first’, ‘three-cols-middle’, ‘three-cols-last’, ‘four-cols-first’, ‘four-cols-middle’, ‘four-cols-last’,

‘single_affiliate_freespins’, ‘affiliate_link’, ‘poka_slider’, ‘screenshots_carousel’, ‘poka_slider_carousel’
Old shortcodes that redirects to the new Poka theme:

‘table_list’ => ‘affiliates_table’, ‘table_list_v2’ => ‘affiliates_table’, ‘latest_news’ => ‘posts_list’, ‘latest_news_sidebar’ => ‘posts_list’, ‘news_boxes’ => ‘posts_list’, ‘single_affiliate’ => ‘affiliates_single’, ‘single_affiliate_xl’ => ‘affiliates_single’, ‘affiliates_carousel’ => ‘carousel’,

‘search_affiliates_ajax’ => ‘affiliates_search’



To get to the WordPress Customize, navigate to Appearance / Customize from your WordPress dashboard. You will be taken directly to the Customize interface, with your theme preview on the right, and the Customize menu on the left

Customize in PokaTheme gives you the opportunity

  • to define the basic information and functionalities of the site through the available options in the subcategories of

    Theme Settings, Translations & Site Identity

  • to edit the layout of the site through the available options in the subcategories of Visual Settings

Customize > Theme Settings > General



Google analytics code

If you want visitor statistics in this field you enter the Google analytics code. You can get yours from http://www.google.com/analytics/

Google Tag Manager Code

Google Tag Manager lets you configure and deploy tags from Google products and third parties. You can get yours from:https://developers.google.com/tag-platform/tag-manager/web

Youtube Link

The link to your social account that is going to appear in the header and footer. If you leave it empty then the icon is going to hide.

Facebook Link

The link to your social account that is going to appear in the header and footer. If you leave it empty then the icon is going to hide.

Twitter Link

The link to your social account that is going to appear in the header and footer. If you leave it empty then the icon is going to hide.

Instagram Link

The link to your social account that is going to appear in the header and footer. If you leave it empty then the icon is going to hide.

Linkedin Link

The link to your social account that is going to appear in the header and footer. If you leave it empty then the icon is going to hide.

Skype Link

The link to your social account that is going to appear in the header and footer. If you leave it empty then the icon is going to hide.

Affiliate redirect link folder

All the Reviews that contain an affiliate link use a specific URL structure to hide the affiliate link to the visitor. In this field you can set the URL structure for your affiliate links.

For example : www.yoursite.com/ go /affiliate_name.

Default value : go

Show related articles in posts page

If you want the related posts’ section to appear at the bottom of your posts’ single page check this option. (Related articles are considered articles in the same category as the current article)

Allow users to comment in posts

If you want users to comment in your posts check this option. (It is recommended for users to be logged in to comment.)

Allow users to comment in reviews

If you want comments in your reviews check this option. (It is recommended for users to be logged in to comment.)

Enable Geolocation

Check this field if you want to enable the Poka Geolocation plugin. For further information about the Poka Geolocation plugin see the Poka Gelocation section in the documentation.

Enable FAQs

Check this field if you want to enable FAQs Custom Post Type. By activating this functionality you have the ability to use the FAQs that you have created in any part of the site, using the corresponding Gutenberg Block which is called PokaTheme FAQ.

Enable jQuery Migrate

If you experience any issues with plugins that haven’t been updated for a long time and use older version jQuery you can enable this option and jQuery migrate will be added to your site. If everything works as expected you should leave it unchecked because jQuery migrate is adding unnecessary load to your site.


Customize > Theme Settings > Banners



Banner fullwidth top

This is the banner available space between the main content and the site header. The available width in desktop mode is 1180px and you can place your banner snippet or an image with a link.

Banner Snippet Example:

<img src="http://localhost/pokatheme-v4/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Mask-Group-28.jpg">

Image With Link Example:

<a href="pokatheme.com"><img src="http://localhost/pokatheme-v4/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Mask-Group-28.jpg"></a>

* You can hide the banner at post pages / review pages / posts categories / reviews categories, selecting the appropriate rules in the checkboxes.

Banner fullwidth bottom

This is the banner available space after the main content and before the site footer area. The available width in desktop mode is 1180px and you can place your banner snippet or an image with a link.

Banner Snippet Example:

<img src="http://localhost/pokatheme-v4/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Mask-Group-28.jpg" />

Image With Link Example:

<a href="pokatheme.com"><img

* You can hide the banner at post pages / review pages / posts categories / reviews categories, selecting the appropriate rules in the checkboxes.


Customize > Theme Settings > Sponsored Review



You can add a sponsored Review Modal.

Display Sponsored Review Modal

Gives you the ability to enable or disable this functionality.

Select Review

Select a review from the dropdown list.

Display Options

Select ‘Once’ if you want to display the modal once, or ‘Always’ if you want to always display the modal.

Sponsored Title

Give a custom title to the modal.

Customize > Theme Settings > Terms and Conditions



You can handle the Terms & Conditions functionality from here.

Enable “Terms and Conditions” functionality

You can switch terms and conditions on/off from here.

Enable “Terms and Conditions” tooltip

If you switch this on, the terms and conditions text will be displayed inside a tooltip which is triggered when the user hovers the text under any affiliate button, otherwise it will appear as regular text under all affiliates sections.

Text under each affiliate button

Here you can enter the text that appears under all affiliate buttons and triggers the Terms & Conditions popup. Note: The above will apply only to reviews that you have entered Terms & Conditions text.


Customize > Theme Settings > Footer



Footer form area (left)

The content you want to display in the left side of the footer area. You can enter anything you wish, for example the social links’ shortcode.

Footer form area (right)

The content you want to display in the right side of the footer area. You can enter anything you wish, for example the subscription form’s shortcode.

Footer copyright area

In this field you can enter the copyright text. This text will be displayed at the bottom of the website.

Footer Images

In this section you can add as many photos as you want with the Add new field button, so that they appear in the footer. There are two ways to do this:

Link : In this field you can add an external link for the photo.

Image field : In this field you can enter the url of the photo you want to appear.

Upload Image : Upload an image from your media.


Customize > Visual Settings > General



Header style

You can select how your header should look by selecting one of the two available header styles.

Hide breadcrumbs

Check to hide breadcrumbs.

Sticky sidebar

Check to enable sticky header functionality.

Override reviews breadcrumb link

When you are in a review page and you have enabled breadcrumbs the parent link is the archives page of reviews. If you want to override this link with your own page you can select it in this dropdown.

Sidebar position (left/right)

Choose the sidebar’s position left or right.

Sticky sidebar

Check to enable sticky sidebar functionality.

Theme elements border radius

Set the theme elements’ border radius. Default value 8.


Customize > Visual Settings > Colors



Header background color

The header’s background color.

Header secondary background color

The header’s secondary background color, for header styles that a secondary color exists.

Header text color

The header’s text color.

Header text color hover

The header’s text color on hover and when a header element is active.

Site background color

The background color of your site.

Main color

The main color of your site.

Secondary color

The secondary color of your site.

Text color

The text’s color.

Footer background color

The footer’s background color.

Footer text color

The footer’s text color.

Boxes background color

The boxes’ background color.

Boxes secondary background color

The boxes’ secondary background color.

Boxes text color

The boxes’ text color.

FAQ Question Background Color

It adds color to the background of the FAQ question. It refers to the PokaTheme FAQ block.

FAQ Answer Background Color

It adds color to the background of the FAQ answer. It refers to the PokaTheme FAQ block.

FAQ Question Text Color

It adds color to the FAQ Question text. It refers to the PokaTheme FAQ block.

FAQ Answer Text Color

It adds color to the FAQ Answer text. It refers to the PokaTheme FAQ block.

FAQ Border Color

It adds color to the FAQ border. It refers to the PokaTheme FAQ block.

FAQ Icon Color

It adds color to the FAQ icon. It refers to the PokaTheme FAQ block.


Customize > Visual Settings > Buttons



Primary button color

The primary buttons’ color.

Primary button text color

The primary buttons’ text color.

Secondary button color

The secondary buttons’ color.

Secondary button text color

The secondary buttons’ text color.

Border radius (in pixels)

The secondary buttons’ text color.

Font weight

Select the buttons’ font weight.

Buttons text uppercase

Check this field to convert buttons’ text to uppercase letters.


Customize > Visual Settings > Fonts



Base font size (in pixels)

The base fonts size of your site. If you want to make your fonts bigger/smaller because of another font family this is the setting you should tweak. The default value is 16.

Main Font Family

Select the main font family.

Headings Font Family

Select headings’ font family.

Headings Font Weight

Select headings’ font weight.


Customize > Visual Settings > Reviews



Review style

Select one of the three available styles for the reviews pages. You can override this option for a specific review using the Affiliates Fields’ Review Template Style.

Taxonomy Review style

Select one of the eight available styles for the reviews’ taxonomies.

Taxonomy hide sidebar

Check this field to hide the sidebar in the reviews’ single page.

Hide author box

Check this field to hide the author box in the reviews’ single page.

Hide related reviews

Check this field to hide related reviews in the reviews’ single page.


Customize > Visual Settings > Posts



Display sidebar on single

Check this field to display sidebar on posts’ single page.

Display sidebar on Category

Check this field to display the sidebar on posts’ category page .

Category Style

You can select one of the two available styles for the posts’ category page.

Category Description Length

The maximum number of words for each description.

Category Show Featured Image

Select “No” to hide posts’ featured image. Default: “Yes” This option is available only on Category Style 1

Category Description Use Excerpt

Select “Yes” if you want to use excerpt instead of truncated content. Default: “No”

Category Show Author

Select “No” if you want to hide the author of the post on the category page. Default “Yes”

Category Show Post Meta

Select “No” if you want to hide the posts’ meta information (date, views, etc ..) on the category page. Default “Yes”

Category Grid

You can select one of the two available options for the category’s page grid columns.

Default “2 Columns”

This option is available only on Category Style 1

Category Block Layout

You can select one of the two available options for the category’s block layout. Default “Vertical”

This option is available only on 1 Column Category Grid.


Customize > Translations



Review button text

You can change the text in all the “Review” buttons in the site.

Play now button text

You can change the text in all the “Play now” buttons on the site.

Review post type slug

With this field you can easily change the “Review” post type slug in the URL of your reviews. All PokaTheme v4 sites display their reviews under the URL structure domain/review/review-title, now with this field you can add your own custom review slug. Please don’t use white spaces and use only underscores.After saving the options please refresh your permalinks by clicking “Save” to Settings/Permalinks.

For example : domain/casino_paris/review-title


Poka theme uses WordPress official translations management system using PO/MO files and if you want to completely translate your site to a different language this is the way to go.

By using the options in Translations settings overrides PO/MO files, if you want to use PO/MO files just leave the buttons fields in translation settings empty.

More information about creating/editing language packs you can find here : https://pokatheme.com/topic/how-to-createedit-language-packs/


Customize > Site Identity




Set the logo of your site.

Site Title

Define the site’s title.

Tag Line

Define the site’s tagline. Default “Just another WordPress site”

Mobile Logo

Set a separate logo of your site for mobile devices (optional).

Site Icon

Set site’s favicon.

Favicon is what you see in browser tabs and bookmark bars.

Post Types


You can use Posts in order to create news, video posts, tutorials etc and whatever else you need. You can create categories and display the posts with the category view. You can also create tags to group your posts, based on similar details.



This is the post type for the pages of your site.

Enable Sidebar

Enable option if you want to display the sidebar on your page.

Hide banner top

Enable option if you need to hide banner top on your page.

Hide banner bottom

Enable option if you need to hide banner bottom on your page.



This is the post type for your affiliates’ reviews. This post type has the metabox Affiliate fields where you can find all the available settings for each review.

Affiliate link

In this field you can find all the affiliate links you have created in Affiliate links post type. This is the affiliate link for your review when the user clicks “Review”.

Affiliate Bonus

The bonus of the Affiliate that is going to be used in the Review page, Gutenberg Blocks and shortcodes.

Affiliate Rating

The rating of the Affiliate with a range of 1-5 including decimal numbers in order to display the stars in Review page and Gutenberg Blocks.

Affiliate Ratings Base Number

Set the base number if you want your reviews not to start from zero.

Affiliate Rating Override

If you want to display your rating instead of user ratings for this specific review, check this field.

Review Template Style

If you want to override the style for this specific review you can select the style from this dropdown.

Affiliate Tag

The affiliate tag of that is going to be used in the Review page, Gutenberg Blocks and shortcodes.

Affiliate Tag Color

The background color of the affiliate’s tag.

Affiliate Background Color

The background color of the affiliate’s logo box.

Affiliate Overview List

The affiliate overview list that is going to be displayed in the Review page. You can add as many overview items as you want with the Add row button.

Item Title : refers to Overview List Item Title

Item Value : refers to Overview List Item Description

Affiliate Pros

The list items for the Pros of the review that are going to be displayed in Review Page, Gutenberg Blocks and shortcodes.You can add as many Props items as you want with the Add row button.

Affiliate Cons

The list items for the Cons of the review that is going to be displayed in Review Page, Gutenberg Blocks and shortcodes. You can add as many Cons items as you want with the Add row button.

Affiliate Description

The affiliate description that is going to be used in Gutenberg Blocks and shortcodes.

Affiliate Terms

The affiliate terms that are going to be used in Review Page, Gutenberg Blocks and shortcodes.


Affiliate Links

This is the post type for all of your affiliate links. First you create the affiliate link and then you associate it with a Review with Affiliate link dropdown in Review Page.

The idea behind this structure is to have a separate Post type for the affiliate links in order to give you the option to use each affiliate link in multiple Reviews.

Affiliate key

The word you want to be displayed in the frontend in the URL structure. Use only one word or use _ for multiple words. e.g. poker_site

Affiliate link

The link you want the “Play now” button to lead to which is the target link you have from your affiliate associate.

Affiliate onclick event

Execute a JavaScript when the affiliate link is clicked. (Below you can find examples for Google Analytics events)

Example Google Analytics Classic :

_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "Button", "Click", "Casino name"]);

Example Google Analytics universal :

ga("send", "event", "Button", "Click", "Casino Name");

(This version is used in the theme by default)



This is the post type for all of your FAQs. First you create the FAQ and then you can place it anywhere using the corresponding Gutenberg Block which is called PokaTheme FAQ. You can add as many questions and answers as you want with the Add Row button.

The idea behind this structure is to have a separate Post type for the FAQs in order to give you the option to use each FAQ in multiple pages.

Question : The question of the FAQ item.

Answer : The answer of the FAQ item.

Open : If you want this FAQ item opened, check this field.


Gutenberg Blocks

PokaTheme in this new version has created some ready-made custom Gutenberg Blocks which you can use as tools to build your pages, your posts and your entire site! Each of these blocks can be modified through its various options. In case you do not want to use blocks but shortcodes, each block corresponds to a shortcode. In the following sections there is a detailed analysis of the options of each block and in the end follows the corresponding shortcode.

PokaTheme Posts List



This block is used to display a Post List. You can modify the number of posts that appear, the number of layout’s columns, select specific category to display posts, use posts’ excerpt instead of posts’ truncated contentload posts with ajax functionality. Also you have the ability to show or hide the “read more” button, posts’ featured image, posts’ meta information, posts’ author. Last but not least you can set the descriptions’ lengthwrite your own text for the “Read more” button and display posts horizontally.

Number of Posts : The number of the posts you want to display. If you need to display all available posts enter -1.

Columns : You can select one of the four available options to set the columns of the Posts List layout.

Select Category : If you want to display posts from a specific category choose the category from this dropdown.

Show “read more” Button: Check this field to show the read more button when a specific category is set.

Show featured image : Check this field to display posts’ featured image.

Show post meta : Check this field to display posts’ meta data (date, views, etc ..).

Show author : Check this field to display posts’ authors.

Show horizontally : Check this field to display posts horizontally.

Use excerpt instead of truncated content : Check this field to display post’s excerpt instead of truncated content but if a post does not have excerpt then truncated text will appear.

Load more posts with AJAX : You can allow users to load more posts with ajax. Description length : The maximum number of words for each description/excerpt. “Read more” text : Write your own text for the “Read more”/”Show more” buttons.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows:

[posts_list style=”” num=”” columns=”” cat=”” descr_excerpt=”” descr_length=”” read_more_show=”” read_more_text=”” ajax_load_more=”” show_author=”” show_featured_image=”” show_post_meta=”” horizontal=”” reverse=””']


PokaTheme Featured Videos



This block is used to display Featured Videos. You can select specific category from which posts will appear or select specific posts to display.

Select Category : If you want to display posts from a specific category choose the category from this dropdown.

Select Posts : If you want to display specific posts select them from this dropdown, the maximum number you can select is three.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows:
[featured_videos cat=”” ids=””]

PokaTheme FAQ



This block is used to display FAQs which have been created by the corresponding custom post type. You can select

the FAQ you want to display and set the title element type.

Select and FAQ : Choose a FAQ to be displayed from the list of options in the dropdown menu. This dropdown contains all the FAQs created by the corresponding Custom Post Type.

Title element type : You can select one of the three available options to set the title’s element type.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows: [faq id=”” title_el=””]


PokaTheme Carousel



This block is used to display a carousel. You can modify the type of the elements that appear, the style of the carousel and the number of items per row.

Type : You can select one of the two available element types that you want to display.

Style : You can select one of the two available styles for the carousel.

Carousel items per row : In this field you can set the number of carousel items per row.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows: [carousel type=”” style=”” num=””]


PokaTheme Button



This block is used to display a button. You can modify its appearance and its text, to choose if you want an icon to appear, you can also set the url of the link that will contain and where to open the linked document.

Button Text : The text of the button.

Button URL: The url of the button.

Button Size : You can select one of the three available button sizes.

Full width : If you want your button to occupy the full width of the container check this field.

Style : You can select one of the three available button styles.

Relationship Attribute (rel) : You can select one of the fourteen available relationship attribute options from this dropdown.

Target Attribute (target) : You can select one of the five target attribute options.

Icon Class : If you want to display an icon in this button, type the icon class in this field. You can find all poka icons here: https://pokatheme.com/topic/poka-icon-library/

Icon Size : You can select one of the two available icon sizes.

Choose an Image Icon : Choose an image icon from your media or upload it.

Icon alignment : You can select one of the two available icon alignments.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows:

[btn btn_size=”” full_width=”” style=”” href=”” rel=”” target=”” icon=”” icon_size=”” icon_alignment=””] Title [/btn]


PokaTheme Box text



This block is used to display a box text. You can set the color of the box, its content, you can also choose if you want to use uppertitle or icon and set their color.

Box Type : You can select one of the two available box type options.

Icon Class : The icon class of the icon you want to display. Only available for Icon Box Type. You can find all poka icons here: https://pokatheme.com/topic/poka-icon-library/

Uppertitle : The uppertitle. Only available for Uppertitle Box Type.

Title : The title of the box text.

Text : The text of the box text.

Box Color : Choose the box’s color.

Uppertitle Color : Choose the uppetitle’s or icon’s color.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows:

[box_text icon=”” uppertitle=”” title=”” color=”” uppertitle_color=””] Text [/box_text]


PokaTheme Affiliates Table



This block is used to display the affiliates table. You can modify the number of affiliates that appeardefine specific category from which affiliates will appear, display specific reviewschoose the style you want and the ordering method. Also you can enable or disable the table sorting filters, the affiliates counter and the overall rating.

Num : The number of affiliates you want to display. If you need to display all available Posts enter -1.

Select Affiliate Category : If you want to display affiliates from a specific category, select the category from this dropdown.

Sort : You can select the ordering of the affiliates.

Logo affiliate link : Check this field to convert logo image into a link of the review.

Select Reviews : If you want to display specific reviews, select them from this dropdown.

Custom Order : If you want to display specific reviews, type the name(s) and press Enter each time you add one.

Show Counter : Check this field to display the counter icon.

Show Rating : Check this field to display the affiliates’ ratings.

Show Table Sorting : Check this field to display table’s sorting options.

Load More Button : If it is checked, and if selected reviews or custom ordered reviews are more than num, it is displayed below reviews.

Enable GEOlocation : Check this field if you want to display only allowed affiliates of the current country.

Style : You can select one of the five available styles for the Affiliates Table.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows:

[affiliates_table num=”” cat=”” sort=”” logo_aff_link=”” reviews=”” show_counter=”” show_rating=”” show_table_sorting=”” css_class=”” style=”” load_more_button=”” selected_affiliates=””]


PokaTheme Single Affiliate



This block is used to display a Single Affiliate. You can choose its style and select the affiliate you want to display.

Select an affiliate : From this dropdown select the affiliate you want to display.

Style: You can select one of the ten available styles for the Single Affiliate layout.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows: [affiliates_single id=”” style=””]


PokaTheme Affiliates Search



This block is used to display an ajax search form about affiliates. Υou can modify the placeholder and choose if you want to display affiliates results only from a specific category.

Placeholder : The placeholder of the search form.

Category : If you want the search form to display results only from a specific affiliate category, select the category from this dropdown.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows: [affiliates_search placeholder=”” cat=””]


PokaTheme Affiliates List



This block is used to display an affiliates’ list. You can modify the number of affiliates that appeardefine specific category from which affiliates will appear, display specific reviewschoose the style you want, the sorting method and the number of layout’s columns.

Styles : You can select one of the four available styles for the Affiliates List.

Num : The number of affiliates you want to display. If you need to display all available affiliates enter -1.

Select Affiliate Category : If you want the Affiliates List to display results only from a certain category, select the category from this dropdown.

Sort : You can select the ordering of the Affiliates List.

Columns: You can select one of the six available options to set the number of columns.

Select Reviews: If you want to display specific reviews, select them from this dropdown.

Load More Button : If it is checked, and if selected reviews are more than num, it is displayed below reviews.

Enable GEOlocation : Check this field if you want to display only allowed affiliates of the current country.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows:

[affiliates_list style=”” num=”” cat=”” sort=”” columns=”” reviews=”” load_more_button=””]


PokaTheme Featured Affiliates



This block is used to display featured affiliates. You can select which specific Reviews you want to displaychoose the

Thumbnails’ links and enter the Featured title in the middle.

Select Reviews : If you want to display specific reviews, select them from this dropdown.

Thumbnail link : You can select one of the three available thumbnail’s link options.

Featured title : The title of the featured review in the middle.

The corresponding shortcode of this block is as follows: [affiliates_featured ids=”” thumb_link=”” featured_title=””]



Poka Posts

This widget is used to display posts. You can modify the title, choose the style of the widget, choose the ordering method of the posts, define the number of posts you want to display, define specific category from which posts will appear, or display only specific posts.

Title: The title of the widget.

Style: You can select one of the three available options styles for the widget.

Order By: You can select the two available ordering methods.

Number of Posts: The number of the posts you want to display. If you need to display all available posts enter -1. Category ID of Posts: If you want the Poka Posts widget to display results only from a certain category, type the ID of the category in this field.

Display only specific posts (For example: 12,8,20): If you want to display specific posts you can list them in this field separated by comma. For example: 12,20,22,21


Tag Cloud

Use Tag Cloud widget to display all available tags.


Poka Archives

Use the Poka Archives widget to display all the archives.

Title: The title of the widget.


Poka Categories

Use Poka Categories widget to display all the categories.

Title: The title of the widget.


Poka Legacy Text

Use Poka Legacy Text to display legacy text box widget.

Title: The title of the widget.

Text editor: The content of the widget.


Navigation Menu

Use this widget to display any registered navigation menu.

Title: The title of the widget.

Select Menu: You can select any registered navigation menu you want to display





Use this filter to override the main content width, based on bootstrap grid.

You can find this filter in archive-affilitates.php, category.php, index.php, search.php, taxonomy-lists.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter( 'poka_main_col_class_filter', 'my_override_function' ); function my_override_function () {

return 'col-md-10' ;


Note: If you do that you should also add a filter to poka_sidebar_col_class_filter in order to prevent the grid from collapsing.



Use this filter to override the sidebar width, based on the bootstrap grid.

You can find this filter in sidebar.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter( 'poka_sidebar_col_class_filter', 'my_override_function' ); 
function my_override_function () {
return 'col-md-6' ;



You can change the arguments of WP Query for the Poka Posts widget with this filter.



Use this filter to override the breadcrumbs default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/addons/breadcrumbs.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_breadcrumbs_args' , 'my_override_function' );
function my_override_function ($defaults) {
$defaults['separator_icon'] = '|' ;
return $defaults;}



You can use this filter to alter the HTML of breadcrumbs or append something after the end of breadcrumbs output.

You can find this filter in inc/addons/breadcrumbs.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_breadcrumbs_filter' , 'my_override_function' ); 
function my_override_function ($html) {
$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Breadcrumbs</h5></div>' ; 
return $html;



You can use this filter to alter the HTML of pagination or append something after the end of pagination’s output.

You can find this filter in inc/addons/pagination.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_pagination_filter', 'my_override_function' ); 
function my_override_function ($html) {
$html .= '&lt;div&gt;&lt;h5&gt;Content After Pagination&lt;/h5&gt;&lt;/div&gt;' ; 
return $html;



You can use this filter to add custom attributes to affiliate link buttons.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

Example Snippet:
add_filter ( 'poka_affiliate_link_atts', 'my_override_function' );
function my_override_function () {
return 'rel="nofollow" ' ;



Use this filter to override the default structure of the affiliate’s link.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliate_link', 'my_override_function' ); function my_override_function ($link) {
If ( '' !== $review_id ) {
$link = 'pokatheme.com';
} else {
$link = '#';
return $link ;



You can use this filter to alter the HTML of reviews’ links or append something after the end of reviews’ links.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_review_single_button_html', 'my_override_function' ); function my_override_function ($link) {

$link = '<a href="#"><span>This is a custom review link</span></a>';

return $link;




You can use this filter to override the text of the affiliate’s bonus.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliate_bonus_text', 'my_override_function' ); function my_override_function () {

return '<strong>This is my custom bonus tex</strong>' ;




You can use this filter to override the classes of the affiliate’s button or add some more.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliate_button_classes', 'my_override_function' ); function my_override_function ($classes) {

$classes = 'btn-big';

return $classes;




You can use this filter to alter the html structure of the affiliate’s button or append something after the end.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliate_button', 'my_override_function' ); function my_override_function ($btn) {

$btn = '<a href="#">This is my custom Affiliate button</a>' ; return $btn;




You can use this filter to alter the single review’s button classes or add some more.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_review_single_button_classes', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($classes) {

$classes = 'btn-uppercase btn-red' ; return $classes;




You can use this filter to alter the single review’s button html structure or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

add_filter ( 'poka_review_single_button', 'my_override_function' ); function my_override_function ($link) {

$link = '<a href="#">This is my custom Single Review button</a>' ; return $link;




You can use this filter to alter affiliate’s tag html structure or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliate_tag' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($tag) {

$tag .= '<h6>Content After Affiliate Tag </h6>' ; 

return $tag;




Use this filter to disable the default half star icon used in the theme.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliate_rating_half_icon', false );



You can use this hook to alter the HTML of review rating or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliate_rating_html', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Review Rating</h5></div>' ; return $html;




Use this filter to override the rating icons default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/core/helpers-affiliates.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliate_rating_icons' , 'my_override_function' ); 
function my_override_function ($rating_icons) {
$rating_icons[ 'full-star' ] = '<i class="custom-star"></i>' ;
return $rating_icons;



Use this filter to override the logo’s width.

You can find this filter in inc/core/setup-theme.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_custom_logo_width', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function () {

return 380;




Use this filter to override the logo’s height.

You can find this filter in inc/core/setup-theme.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_custom_logo_heigh', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function () {

return 40;





You can use this filter to override the version of static files used by poka in enqueue styles and scripts.

For example when making changes the following example is useful in order all the static files to get a different version in each page load.

You can find this filter in inc/core/setup-theme.php You can find this filter in inc/gutenberg/gutenberg.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_static_version' , 'my_override_function' ); function my_override_function () {

return time() ;




Use this filter to override the css vars default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/customizer/customizer-functions.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_default_css_vars' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($defaults) {

$defaults['fonts-base-font-size'] = '20' ; return $defaults;




You can use this filter to add or edit the print css vars.

You can find this filter in inc/customizer/customizer-functions.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_print_css_vars' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($defaults) {

if ( get_theme_mod( 'colors-boxes-secondary-background-color' ) ) {

$output .= esc_attr( '--boxes-secondary-background-color:' . get_theme_mod( 'colors-boxes-secondary-background-color' ) . ';' ) . PHP_EOL;





You can use this filter to set if you want to render empty metaboxes.

You can find this filter in inc/metabox/group.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_metabox_render_empty_groups' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function () {

return true;




You can use this filter to register your own metaboxes.



Use this filter if you want to change the prefix with which metaboxes are stored in the database.



You can use this filter to override the PokaTheme Featured Affiliates shortcode’s default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/affiliates-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliates_featured_default_atts' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($default_atts) {

$default_atts['featured_title'] = 'Top bookmakers';

return $default_atts;




You can use this filter to edit the HTML structure of the PokaTheme Featured Affiliates shortcode or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/affiliates-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliates_featured_html_output' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After PokaTheme Featured Affiliates</h5></div>';

return $html;




You can use this filter to override the PokaTheme Affiliates Search shortcode’s default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/affiliates-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliates_search_default_atts' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($default_atts) {

$default_atts['placeholder'] = 'Search affiliates reviews ...';

return $default_atts;




You can use this filter to edit the HTML structure of the PokaTheme Affiliates Search shortcode or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/affiliates-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliates_search_html_output', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Poka Theme Affiliates Search</h5></div>';

return $html;




You can use this filter to override the PokaTheme Single Affiliate shortcode’s default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/affiliates-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliates_single_default_atts' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($default_atts) {

$default_atts['id'] = '45';

return $default_atts;




You can use this filter to edit the HTML structure of the PokaTheme Single Affiliate shortcode or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/affiliates-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliates_single_html_output' 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Poka Theme Single Affiliate</h5></div>';

return $html;




You can use this filter to override the PokaTheme Affiliates Table shortcode’s default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/affiliates-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliates_table_default_atts' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($default_atts) {

$default_atts['num'] = '10';

return $default_atts;




You can use this filter to edit the HTML structure of the PokaTheme Affiliates Table shortcode or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/affiliates-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliates_table_html_output' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Poka Theme Affiliates Table</h5></div>';

return $html;




You can use this filter to override the PokaTheme Affiliates List shortcode’s default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/affiliates-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliates_list_default_atts' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($default_atts) {

$default_atts['columns'] = '3';

return $default_atts;




You can use this filter to edit the HTML structure of the PokaTheme Affiliates List shortcode or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/affiliates-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_affiliates_list_html_output', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Poka Theme Affiliates List</h5></div>';

return $html;




You can use this filter to override the PokaTheme Posts List shortcode’s default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/post-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_posts_list_default_atts' , 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function () {

$default_atts['ajax_load_more'] = 'true';

return $default_atts;




You can use this filter to edit the HTML structure of the PokaTheme Posts List shortcode or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/post-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_posts_list_html_output', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Poka Theme Posts List</h5></div>';

return $html;




You can use this filter to override the PokaTheme Button shortcode’s default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/various-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_btn_default_atts', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($default_atts) {

$default_atts['btn_size'] = 'small';

return $default_atts;




You can use this filter to edit the HTML structure of the PokaTheme Button shortcode or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/various-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ('poka_btn_html_output', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Poka Theme Button</h5></div>';

return $html;




You can use this filter to override the PokaTheme Box Text shortcode’s default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/various-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_box_text_default_atts', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($default_atts) {

$default_atts['title'] = 'Box Text Default Title;

return $default_atts;




You can use this filter to edit the HTML structure of the PokaTheme Box Text shortcode or append something in the end.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/various-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ('poka_box_text_html_output', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Poka Theme Box Text</h5></div>';

return $html;




You can use this filter to edit the HTML structure of the PokaThemes social links or append something in the end. Social links appear in header and footer.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/various-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ('poka_social_links_html_output', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Poka Theme Social icons</h5></div>';

return $html;




You can use this filter to override the PokaTheme Carousel shortcode’s default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/various-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_carousel_default_atts', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($default_atts) {

$default_atts[style] = '1';

$default_atts[type] = '2';

return $default_atts;




You can use this filter to override the PokaTheme Featured Videos shortcode’s default arguments array.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/video-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ( 'poka_featured_videos_atts', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($default_atts) {

$default_atts['cat'] = '125';

$default_atts['ids'] = '2';

return $default_atts;




You can use this filter to edit the HTML structure of the PokaTheme Featured Videos or append something in the end. Social links appear in header and footer.

You can find this filter in inc/shortcodes/video-shortcodes.php

Example Snippet:

add_filter ('poka_featured_videos_html_output', 'my_override_function' ); 

function my_override_function ($html) {

$html .= '<div><h5>Content After Poka Theme Featured Videos</h5></div>';

return $html;





You can use this to add custom HTML elements at the start of the document. Also you can remove attached elements in this action. (For example the breadcrumbs and banners)

Example Snippet:

add_action( 'poka_before_main', 'poka_before_content', 5, 0 ); 

function poka_before_content() {

echo '<h1>Custom Title</h1>';




Same as above, you can use this to add/remove blocks of code after the page main content. Example Snippet:

add_action( 'poka_after_main', 'poka_after_content', 4, 0 ); 

function poka_after_content() {

echo '<h1>Custom Title</h1>';




You can use this to add custom HTML elements at the end specific documents.

You can find this filter in inc/templates/affiliates/affiliates-taxonomy.php You can find this filter in inc/templates/posts/post-atchive-style1.php You can find this filter in inc/templates/posts/post-atchive-style2.php

add_action( 'poka_after_arhives', 'poka_after_arhives', 5, 0 ); 

function poka_after_arhives() {

echo '<h1>Content after archives</h1>';



Poka Geolocation


Poka Geolocation plugin provides IP geolocation detection tools and various shortcodes, functions, hooks and features. This feature gives you the opportunity to select the allowed and disallowed countries for each affiliate. To make that happen first you must check the Enable Geolocation option in the review’s page and then set the allowed and disallowed

countries. Poka Geolocation plugin will display the current country’s flag above the affiliate’s logo alongside with a check or x icon depending on the countries state.



Go to Customize > Theme Settings > General and check the “Enable Geolocation” option.



Poka Geolocation plugin uses Maxmind’s GEOLite2 Database which requires a license key. You can acquire one for free:

  • Go to GEOLite2 site and click sign up.

  • Once you’ve set up an account, login to your account portal and click “Manage License Keys” under Services.

  • Click “Generate new license key” and copy the new license key.
  • Go to the Poka Geolocation settings page and paste the license key.



Poka Geolocation uses the MaxMind GEOLite2 Database. In order to keep the geo location detection accuracy as high as possible, this database needs to be updated frequently. You can update the database manually or let the plugin do it automatically for you.



Manual update

You can update the database manually through the admin settings page.

Automatic updates

You can enable automatic updates by checking the “Automatic Updates” option. You can also choose the interval.

It is recommended to automatically update the database at least once weekly.





Geolocation cache will store the detected country until the session is over.

You can enable/disable or clear the cache from Poka Geolocation > Settings > Cache




Add a country specific CSS class to the <body>

If set to true it will add 3 classes to the <body> element.



geoloc-country-code-gr geoloc-country-name-greece

Load country flag icons CSS

If set to true it will load a css file with flag classes.


<span class="flag-icon flag-icon-gr"></span>

<span class="flag-icon flag-icon-gr flag-icon-squared"></span>

Important! Disable this if you don’t need css classes for flag icons (improves page load time)





Set the default attribute values for the [pokageo_notification] shortcode. Use {{country}} to display the user’s country name.


Poka Geolocation offers a variety of shortcodes.

[pokageo_show codes=””]

Show content only for specific countries


codes: Country ISO Codes separated by commas.


[pokageo_show codes=”EN,GR”] lorem ipsum [/pokageo_show]



Display detected country’s name.


[pokageo_notification flag=”” content=”” default=””]

Display a notification showing if the current post is available in the visitor’s country or not.


flag : Whether it should display a flag icon or not (default: true)

content : The content for allowed countries.

default : The default content for disallowed countries.

Inside content and default text “{{country}}” will be automatically replaced by the visitor’s country name.


[pokageo_notification flag=”false” content=”Users from {{country}} are accepted” default=”Users from {{country}} are not accepted”]


[pokageo_disallowed_countries format=”” separator=”” list_class=”” list_item_class=”” codes=””]

Get a list of all the disallowed countries for the current post in various formats.


format : [string | list] The display format (default: string).

separator : String separator for countries. This is used when the format is string. (default: “, ”). list_class : A custom css class for the ul element. This is used when the format is list. list_item_class : A custom css class for the li elements. This is used when the format is list.

codes : By default the country names will be used. Set this true if you need the country ISO Codes instead. (default: false).


[pokageo_disallowed_countries format=”list” list_class=”countries-list”]


[pokageo_hide codes=””]

Hide content for specific countries.

codes : Country ISO Codes separated by commas.


[pokageo_hide codes=”EN,GR”] lorem ipsum [/pokageo_hide]


Display detected country’s ISO Code.


[pokageo_allowed_countries format=”” separator=”” list_class=”” list_item_class=”” codes=””]

Get a list of all the allowed countries for the current post in various formats.


format : [string | list] The display format (default: string).

separator : String separator for countries. This is used when the format is string. (default: “, ”). list_class : A custom css class for the ul element. This is used when the format is list. list_item_class : A custom css class for the li elements. This is used when the format is list.

codes : By default the country names will be used. Set this true if you need the country ISO Codes instead. (default: false).


[pokageo_allowed_countries format=”list” list_class=”countries-list”]


[pokageo_all_countries format=”” separator=”” list_class=”” list_item_class=”” select_name=”” codes=””]

Get a list of all the allowed countries for the current post in various formats.


format : [string | list | select] The display format (default: string).

separator : String separator for countries. This is used when the format is string. (default: “, ”). list_class : A custom css class for the ul or select element. This is used when the format is list or select. list_item_class : A custom css class for the li elements. This is used when the format is list.

select_name : The name attribute value for the select element. This is used when the format is select. (default: countries_list).

codes : By default the country names will be used. Set this true if you need the country ISO Codes instead. (default: false).


[pokageo_all_countries format=”select” list_class=”countries-input”]




Detects and returns the country name for current IP.


pokageo_get_country_flag_icon($country_code, $square)

Returns the SVG URL of a country flag by country ISO Code.


$country_name : [string] The country ISO Code, e.g. EN (default: current visitor’s country)

$square : [bool] True for square flag icon, false for wide flag icon



Checks if a string is a valid IPv4 or IPv6.


$ip : [string] The IP.



Returns all the selected disallowed countries of a post.


$post_id : [string] The post’s ID.


pokageo_is_country_allowed_for_post($post_id, $country_code)

Checks if a country is allowed for a specific post.


$post_id : [string] The post’s ID.

$country_code : [string] The country ISO Code, e.g. EN (default: current visitor’s country)



Detects and returns the country ISO Code for current IP.



Returns the client’s IP.



Returns all the selected allowed countries of a post.


$post_id : [string] The post’s ID.



Returns all the countries in an associative array with codes as keys and names as values.


pokageo_build_meta_query($post_type, $defaults)

Builds the meta query for WP_Query including only posts from allowed countries.

$post_type : [string] Query’s post type (default: ‘post’).

$defaults: [array] The meta query array. (default: empty array)



Return all Poka Geolocation enabled post types.


poka_set_field( $field, $value, $post_id = null, $is_taxonomy = false )

This function facilitates the update of field values within a metabox by the meta value linked to a specified field in a post or term.



pokageo_query_args [filter]

Filters the WP_Query args and inserts the geolocation meta query. Use this if you need to query posts from allowed countries. If a meta query already exists, the geolocation meta query will be appended.

Important! Make sure $query_args contains post_type before you use apply_filters, otherwise post will be assumed.


pokageo_countries_map [filter]

Use this filter to remove or add additional countries to the internal Geomap Provider.


pokageo_post_types [filter]

Use this filter to remove or add additional post types and specify in which post types you want to use Poka Geolocation.



Utilize this filter to modify classes in Review Style 1. You have the ability to swipe to adjust the position of the sticky bar.



Utilize this filter to modify classes in Review Style 3. You have the ability to swipe to adjust the position of the sticky bar.


pokageo_loaded [action]

Fires when Poka Geolocation and all WordPress plugins are loaded.


pokageo_before_init [action]

Fires before Poka Geolocation initiazation.


pokageo_after_init [action]

Fires after Poka Geolocation initiazation.



Frontend CSS

You can disable the frontend css if you are going to add custom stylings on your theme’s CSS.

Less unused css usually means better pagespeed. Just include this filter inside your theme’s functions.php file: add_filter(‘pokageo_load_css’, ‘return_false’);



Poka Geolocation plugin uses WordPress official translations management system using PO/MO files and if you want to completely translate this plugin to a different language this is the way to go.



You can override some templates if you place the corresponding template file inside

%themepath%/wp-content/pugins/poka-geolocation/templates/. This works for both parent and child themes. Some templates may have available data. You can access them through the $data object.

Below is a list of overridable templates:


This template is used by the [pokageo_notification] shortcode.

Available Data

flag : [string: true/false] Whether it should display a flag icon or not (default: true)

content : The content for allowed countries.

default : The default content for disallowed countries.


Slots Launch Plugin

Earn the attention of your website’s visitors and offer free slots games.


Initial Process

After creating the account on Slots Launch, we have to whitelist our domain.
Just enter your domain name, ‘without https://’. For example: www.mywebsite.com.
Now, copy and keep somewhere the API key.


Installing WordPress plugin

  1. Install and activate Slots Launch plugin.
  2. If it’s the first time you install the plugin you will get a wizard welcome page where you need to paste the key obtained in the first step.
  3. The “Import Games” is the last step which will simply trigger the slots import. On this screen you can choose to import all games or only some games from some providers.Note: It is important to install all games and then hiding some providers from results, if you install only some providers you will need to delete all the data in case you want to install more in the future.This process takes around 10 to 15 minutes and it’s triggered with the visits to your site. You will get a notification once the import finishes.

From now on, you may find a Slot, and put it anywhere on your website, using the embed shortcode:
How to implement this shortcode? Find the block name shortcode and put this embed code inside:

  1. You are ready to create your “Slots Archives” page. You can do this by pasting [slotsl-game-archives] shortcode into any page of your site. All the slots will be shown on this page with pagination and search form. 




– Slots Archives

Main shortcode to display slots on your site.

[slotsl-game-archives provider="" show_header="" show_button="" per_page="52" show_pagination=""]

  • provider: Pass a provider slug such as “playnova” to display only slots of that provider. Separate multiple provider by comma to show more than one
  • show_header: Set to false to hide the header (search, providers, and sorting)
  • show_button: Set to false to hide the “Try demo button” overlay
  • per_page: Set the number of slots to show per page
  • show_pagination: Set to false to hide the pagination


– Providers Archives

Shortcode to show a list of providers and the number of slots of each one

[slotsl-provider-archives slots_url="https://yourdomain.com/slots" provider=""]

  • slots_url: Mandatory field where you need to type your “Games Archives Page” url. Basically, the url where [slotsl-game-archives] shortcode is placed.
  • provider: Pass some provider slugs such as “playnova,ainsworth” to display only those provider or leave empty to show them all


How to use Direct Embeds

You can get direct embeds URLs from any of the game pages in the Launch Pad or from the API results. To use those URLs on an iframe you just need to include your token, for example “12345abcd”, like this:

<iframe src="https://slotslaunch.com/iframe/5148?token=12345abcd" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe>

Note: Every time a game is loaded it will count as one request toward your quota. We do recommend adding a launch game screen as we did on our WordPress Plugin to save requests and make pages load faster for crawlers.

Find the block name HTML and add the above iframe with your token.

It’s forbidden to bypass this URL and try to obtain the final game URL, you will be banned from Slots Launch services.