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Home Forums PokaTheme support Categories – read more > – change text and colour

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  • #13269


    when posting a category as a page on my website (example =
    under each post is a line of text saying “read more >” in red.
    can i change the colour of this text with additional CSS?
    if so what CSS is needed to change the colour?
    can i also change the text to “read more +” with additional CSS?
    if so what CSS is needed to change text?
    if this can not be done with additional CSS, how do i change the colour and text?
    thanks for any help you can offer


    The color can be changed with the following:

    .group-category .news-item .new-text-group .read-more { color:#000; }

    And the text can be changed via translations.

    How to create/edit language packs

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