First of all, I’d like to congratulate you on the latest update – the table list V2 looks AWESOME.
I’d like to ask how I can display stars, cons and review button there as well?
I genuinely love the look of it and it would be a waste to not take advantage of this update.
Here’s what I mean. Currently I’m using this shortcode (Pokatheme + Forexoptions as a child)
[table_list_v2 num=”-1” sort=”rating” logo_aff_link=”true” show_counter=”true” show_freespins=”true” show_rating=”true” show_table_sorting=”true”]
But it’s not displaying the Star rating at the moment.
Is there a way to get it to work as the picture below with:
(1) Star rating
(2) Cons
(3) Read Review button
Thanks in advance.