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Home Forums PokaTheme support Single affiliate Panel issue

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  • #17627
    Matija Vorgic

    Hi guys,

    I’m using pokatheme-r4.0.4, crypto template and facing a strange issue when placing a single affiliate panel on the home page. The issue occurs when Style 4 is selected – links on Visit site button and Review link text are not working properly. Visit site just displays and the review link redirects to the home page.

    It is fine when I want to insert style 4 on other pages or posts, the issue happens only on the home page. All other styles are showing OK links, just Style 4 is causing the issue.

    I tried to disable plugins etc but to no avail. Maybe I should replace the file that is handling styles on the server with the new (original) file? Can you point me out what that file might be and where is located?

    If you want to check the site here is url: htxxs://



    Hey Matija,

    This is a bug on our end, thanks for pointing it out. We will fix it in the next theme release.

    If you want to fix it now, you follow the following steps:
    1. Install and activate the child theme you received along with PokaTheme once you did the purchase. You can do this under Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.
    2. Copy the PHP file “affiliates-row-style4.php” from the parent theme (pokatheme\inc\templates\affiliates\affiliates-row-style4.php) and paste it inside the child theme under the same path (pokatheme_child\inc\templates\affiliates\affiliates-row-style4.php).
    3. Inside the “affiliates-row-style4.php” in the child theme, find the 2 instances of “get_the_ID()” and replace them with “$rid”.

    Now the redirects should work as expected. If you face any issues let us know.

    Matija Vorgic

    Fixed! Amazing job guys, thanks!


    Thank you, Matija!


    This is just an update that we have released a new PokaTheme version and we have included a fix for this issue, too. Feel free to check your account downloads and get the latest version!

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