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Home Forums PokaTheme support Shortcode ERROR

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  • #8648
    And Ramirez

    Hello, there’s a problem when I tried to put a shortcode, more specificly when I tried to work with categories. Basically, the shortcode is: [latest_news cat=”premier-league”] Being “premier-league” SLUG, but when it’s time to show the result, it doens’t work, don’t show the category, in fact, it show my post cronologicly.



    You should pass the category ID instead of the slug. When you editing a category the ID is visible in the URL.
    Example: tag_ID=1

    And Ramirez

    It does not work.

    [latest_news  cat=”339″]
    [latest_news  TAG_id=”339″]

    The result should not be displayed. Try clearing the cache on each of the more than 40 attempts.


    The correct one is [latest_news cat=”339″].
    If the ID is correct it should work, if it doesn’t make sure the ID is correct or there is some kind of caching in your site.

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