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Home Forums PokaTheme support Review Tables menu missing

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  • #17323
    A Ward

    On v4, it says there is a Review Tables option in the left menu, I don’t see it?


    Hi Alex,

    PokaTheme v4 offers a variety of Gutenberg blocks.

    So when you create a new page using the Gutenberg editor, you can click on the “+” symbol on the top left, and search for the PokaTheme blocks.

    One of them is the “PokaTheme Affiliates Table”, which I guess is what you want.

    Check the image here:

    A Ward

    Is there no option to use a shortcode if we aren’t using Gutenberg?


    Hi Alex,

    Yes, there is an option!

    If you go to PokaTheme documentation, you will see that for each Gutenberg block there is a corresponding shortcode.

    For “PokaTheme Affiliates Table” block this is the corresponding shortcode:

    [affiliates_table num=”” cat=”” sort=”” logo_aff_link=”” reviews=”” show_counter=”” show_rating=”” show_table_sorting=”” css_class=”” style=”” geolocation=””]

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