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Home Forums PokaTheme support Remove Primary Widget Area ( the sidebar) from main page.

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  • #10618
    Vadims Krjuckovs

    Dear, Sirs! Please help me to remove the Primary Widget Area from my Home page. if I removing all widgets from Primary Widget Area, anyway I have a white square with the text “Please go to Appearance > Widgets and activate the widgets you want.” (Its looks like a bug and you can see it on my site just scrolling page down).An If I add some widget it’s placing vertically on desktop. Or if I add png picture, its anyway in a white square on the screen
    Please, help me to fix this problem (remove this area, or make it full-width, transparent and adaptive). Actually, I don’t need this sidebar on my main page! Thank you!
    P.s. I am not a programmer yet, therefore please explain to me how to fix it step by step!



    If you want to create a full width page without a sidebar you just use the “Full Width Sections” for your content.
    Just leave empty the default WordPress editor and the sidebar will hide.


    How exactly do you do that as mine won’t change…

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