Hi Jenna,
There is not such an option, but you can achieve what you want with the following code snippet.
* Modify the Related Posts query to NOT show Reviews with IDs 11, 23, and 58.
function pokatheme_pre_get_posts_636a2e5fe2215( $query ) {
if ( is_singular( array( 'affiliates' ) ) ) {
if ( 'affiliates' === $query->query['post_type'] ) {
if ( array_key_exists( 'post__not_in', $query->query ) ) {
if ( 1 === count( $query->query['post__not_in'] ) ) {
$reviews_to_exclude = '11,23,58';
$reviews_to_exclude_array = explode( ',', $reviews_to_exclude );
$post__not_in_default = array( get_the_ID() );
$post__not_in = array_merge( $post__not_in_default, $reviews_to_exclude_array );
$query->set( 'post__not_in', $post__not_in );
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'pokatheme_pre_get_posts_636a2e5fe2215' );
You need to change only this line:
$reviews_to_exclude = '11,23,58';
For example, the above code would exclude 3 reviews: those with IDs 11, 23, and 58.
You can add the above code to your child theme’s functions.php, or using a plugin like Code Snippets.