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  • #17319
    Jenna Anderson

    How can we exclude specific operators from related reviews section under the review?


    Hi Jenna,

    There is not such an option, but you can achieve what you want with the following code snippet.

     *  Modify the Related Posts query to NOT show Reviews with IDs 11, 23, and 58.
    function pokatheme_pre_get_posts_636a2e5fe2215( $query ) {
    	if ( is_singular( array( 'affiliates' ) ) ) {
    		if ( 'affiliates' === $query->query['post_type'] ) {
    			if ( array_key_exists( 'post__not_in', $query->query ) ) {
    				if ( 1 === count( $query->query['post__not_in'] ) ) {
    					$reviews_to_exclude = '11,23,58';
    					$reviews_to_exclude_array = explode( ',', $reviews_to_exclude );
    					$post__not_in_default     = array( get_the_ID() );
    					$post__not_in             = array_merge( $post__not_in_default, $reviews_to_exclude_array );
    					$query->set( 'post__not_in', $post__not_in );
    add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'pokatheme_pre_get_posts_636a2e5fe2215' );

    You need to change only this line:

    $reviews_to_exclude = '11,23,58';

    For example, the above code would exclude 3 reviews: those with IDs 11, 23, and 58.

    You can add the above code to your child theme’s functions.php, or using a plugin like Code Snippets.

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