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Home Forums PokaTheme support PokaTheme Review style 1 sticky bar location : left to right?

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  • #18159


    In Review style 1, I want to move sticky bar from left to right like review 3.

    What files i need to touch?

    Thank you and have a geat weekend all.



    First of all you shouldn’t touch any files directly on the parent theme.

    So first, you should upload and activate the child theme that is inside the zip you downloaded once you purchased the theme.

    Then you should create a new file inside: YOUR-CHILD-THEME\inc\templates\affiliates and name it “affiliates-single-style1.php”.

    Then go to parent theme folder: pokatheme\inc\templates\affiliates\affiliates-single-style1.php, and copy-paste all code from this file to the new file you created inside your child theme.

    Finally go to the 3rd line and change this:

    <div class="row gap-20">

    to this:

    <div class="row row--reverse gap-20">

    Let us know if you still need help on this one.


    everything PERFECT!!

    super thank you about your kind answer.

    Ricardo Nuno

    It would be nice if you had this as an option in the visual options of the review page theme options, is the suggestion.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Ricardo Nuno.

    We will consider adding new options like these, thank you!


    Hi all,

    Today we released a new version for PokaTheme (v.4.0.7) which gives the users the ability to change the sticky bar position in Style 1 and Style 3.

    Below you can find the code snippets you could add to your child theme’s functions.php to achieve this.

    For Style 1:

    add_filter( 'poka_affiliate_single_style_1_row_class', 'poka_child_6544bc1a1ab05' );
    function poka_child_6544bc1a1ab05() {
    	return 'row row--reverse gap-20';

    For Style 3:

    add_filter( 'poka_affiliate_single_style_3_row_class', 'poka_child_6544bdbb450ec' );
    function poka_child_6544bdbb450ec() {
    	return 'row row--reverse gap-30-x';
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