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Home Forums PokaTheme support pokatheme forexoptions: “terms and conditions”

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  • #13607

    In “table_list_v2” there is a “terms and conditions” link just below the bonus description. I added two languages to the default and I cannot change the labguage of that specific line.
    I tried editing .po files but there is nothing on that stuff.
    Then I tried with CSS, first putting:

    .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-bonus .terms-wrapper .tooltip-el
    { visibility: hidden;
    position: relative;

    and then
    .table-s2 .item .item-row .col-bonus .terms-wrapper .tooltip-el:after {
     content: “Terms and conditions”;  
    visibility: visible;
    display: block;
    position: absolute;
    margin-top: -20px;
    but I am not able to see anything. Is there something else in conflict?
    Moreover: due to the fact i have different languages, I would like to make it different. But if I add the html [lang=”en_NZ”] nothing changes again…


    website link


    Hi Bryan!

    The terms and conditions text can be changed/translated from: Theme Settings -> Terms and Conditions -> Text under each affiliate button.
    If you use WPML you can save different options for each language.


    Hello, sorry for bothering you, the terms and conditions link does not appear below the button, how do I make it appear on the site? Thank you very much in advance!



    You need to enable the terms functionality from Theme Settings -> Terms and conditions

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