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Home Forums PokaTheme support PokaTheme Button Editing


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  • #17567
    Maxim Yarmukhametov

    The documentation states that you can choose from several styles, button sizes.
    There is also a shortcode to insert into the code of the page – [btn btn_size=”” full_width=”” style=”” href=”” rel=”” target=”” icon=”” icon_size=”” icon_alignment=””] Title [/btn]
    What I do not insert, the button does not change.
    What should be the values in the shortcode to get the same button as in the instruction file?


    Hi Maxim!

    btn_size => “normal” | “small”
    full_width => “true” | “false”
    style => “primary” | “secondary” | “faded”

    I think the rest are clear or well explained in the Documentation.

    To replicate the button in the screenshot you could write the following:

    [btn full_width="true" href="#"] Title [/btn] 
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