The plugin uses the MaxMind GEOLite2 database to “map” an IP to a country, a database that is not controlled by our end.
So if MaxMind GEOLite2 says that your IP belongs to a different country than UK, then this is an issue of the database.
A first thing you should try to do is to Update Database from the plugin settings: https://pokatheme.com/wp-content/themes/poka_landing/images/geoplugin/screenshots/screen1-lg.jpg
If this doesn’t fix the issue, I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do on our end.
There have been reported issues like this in the past, which were actually solved when the user (like you) contacted their ISP provider, and told them that the IP e.g. points to Germany (example) instead of the UK (which should point to). And the ISP contacted Maxmind who fixed the issue after some time.