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Home Forums PokaTheme support Poka v3 review table on SlotsBonus Theme

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  • #15071


    We recently bought and installed the SlotsTheme. However, just notice the PokaTheme v.3 review table. It looks kind of exactly how we want it. Is it possible to install that review table on the SlotsBonus theme?

    If not, how can we remove the review button from the review table on “review table” or “review table v2”. I’ve checked the documentation and other answer here in the support, but seems to be different depeding on the theme or the review table. So not manage it to work.




    Both table shortcodes (v1 & v2) exist in PokaTheme and Slotsbonus, so you have the same shortocodes in Slotsbonus.
    The review button can’t be hidden by default from a table, you can only hide it via custom CSS.

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