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Home Forums PokaTheme support Poka Geolocation getting to work

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  • #14267
    Andy Nelson


    I’m having trouble getting the Poka Geolocation to work.

    Can you give me an example of how to get a simple table list to show for UK visitors only using the shortcodes please?

    Is it using the following 2 examples below?

    [pokageo_show codes=”EN,GR”] lorem ipsum [/pokageo_show]

    [affiliates_list num=”2″ cat=”sports” sort=”rating” columns=”2″]

    I wouldn’t use the Geo countries in the side bar because I want the page/post to display 1 x table list for Uk and then another different table on the same post/page for USA so for 2 different countries.



    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Andy Nelson.
    Andy Nelson


    I resolved it – what it was the country codes were incorrect in the example they should have been GB, GBR for my purpose of UK only I didn’t realise they were for Greece!

    So using the following example worked;

    [pokageo_show codes=”GB,GBR”]

    #1 UK Basketball Sites

    [affiliates_list num=”2″ cat=”sports” sort=”rating” columns=”2″]


    Obviously check out the country codes first here:

    Hope he above helps anyone needing a simple shortcode example.



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