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Home Forums PokaTheme support layout pokatheme 4

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  • #16924
    Angel 35


    I would also like to know if there are plans to make a grid layout pokatheme 4, now only the entire screen is done. That is, so that the sides of the site is cropped. For example, so that you can put a background on the edges of the site.

    Thanks in advance for the answer!



    If you check our demos you will see that there are plenty full width sections with backgrounds and grids with custom blocks or affiliate blocks.
    So I believe what you are asking is already there or I didn’t understand your question.

    Angel 35

    I meant that the layout of the site is not the full width of the page. I do not know whether you can leave links here, but how else to show I do not know. For example, the sides of the site is just a gray background.


    Angel 35

    And instead of a gray background, I can put a picture.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Angel 35.


    If you add your content without any “full-width” sections then if you add an image to your body tag the image will be visible like this example.
    So if I understood correctly it can be made with a few custom CSS.

    Angel 35

    No, I’m talking about the theme feature. What would be the choice: put the theme in full screen or the site was in a box (as shown in the links below). So that the entire site is in a box – this means that the site is cut off at the edges (left and right) and there, in the empty space that remains on the left and right, you can put a background image or just a colored background.

    Angel 35


    Unfortunately there is no such option at the theme for now.
    This can only be done with custom CSS.

    Angel 35

    Thanks for the answer!

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