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Home Forums PokaTheme support Issue with shortcodes


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  • #13291


    I have a problem with shortcodes.

    1) I don’t see The Shortcode list button in Pages/Posts wysiwyg editor.
    2) Manual shortcodes like [box_text icon=””]Your text[/box_text] does not work too.

    I have a wordpress 5.62 version and Classic Editor plugin installed.
    My active theme is CasinoAce Theme Child

    How can I put shortcodes?




    1) The “Shortcodes list” button is only visible to default WordPress editor and not to full width sections. We tested it in the latest version of CasinoAce (v2.1.2) with latest WordPress and we couldn’t see any issues.
    Of course you can find all the available shortcodes to the documentation and just type them inside the editor.
    The “Shortcodes list” button is just a helper.

    2) As you can see in our demo this shortcode works:
    An example you can try:

    [box_text icon="W"]Nam sollicitudin nunc eu ex facilisis faucibus. Proin sem sem, sollicitudin vitae maximus non, ornare id nisi. Vivamus pellentesque quam mauris, nec blandit quam fringilla ac. Sed posuere sodales odio. Sed rutrum eleifend ipsum id accumsan. Morbi eget facilisis leo. Praesent ac risus hendrerit, egestas enim ut, efficitur lectus. Praesent lacinia finibus felis in volutpat. Maecenas faucibus arcu at turpis efficitur volutpat. Morbi rutrum fringilla rhoncus. Quisque faucibus vitae sapien id porttitor. Sed nec libero ligula. Praesent convallis lectus imperdiet leo porttitor, vel luctus mi condimentum. Integer vel tellus nec mauris facilisis semper a non tortor.[/box_text]

    Thanks, I was trying typing it manually and also used your example – still it does not work out. Should probably open the ticket?


    It is very strange, please send us an email with your issue and WP-admin credentials so we check it.

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