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Home Forums PokaTheme support Important function – Ajax Load (Load More)

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  • #17976
    Angel 35


    I have a question:
    Can you do ajax load (with the Load More button) for casino blocks? And the most important thing:
    1) So that when you click on the Load More button, this function loads casino blocks from the outside onto the page, casino blocks that were not on the page before loading with ajax load. The ajax load function, which loads casino blocks onto pages with a script, and not just opens existing (hidden blocks), as some simple accordion plugin does.
    2) And of course, so that the number of loaded blocks can be selected. I hope I explained it more or less clearly. This feature is very important.

    P.S. Thank you for the latest update, it’s great!


    Hello Angel!

    Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment using the current options. The only block where you can add a “show more” button is the “PokaTheme Posts List” block.

    However I’ve added your suggestion to our to-do list so that we discuss it internally and maybe add it to a next version release.

    Thank you!

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