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Home Forums PokaTheme support How i can enable multiply rating?

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  • #6033

    I know this code from other topic.
    This is comments for guests but how i can enable not only comments and enable rating for guests? (i know that it’s not good but i need this)

    function poka_child_init(){

    update_option( ‘comment_registration’, 0 );


    add_action( ‘init’, ‘poka_child_init’ );



    I’m sorry but this not an easy change with just a small snippet.
    The way reviews are built currently is by allowing only registered users to vote to avoid duplicate votes.
    In order to allow guests to vote another logic must be made maybe using IP,cookies,etc to avoid duplicates. (Even though this is not very safe because these methods can be fooled).
    If you are interested for something custom you can send us an email for a quote.

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