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Home Forums PokaTheme support Hide “Play Now” call to action on reviews


  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by V H.
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  • #15499
    V H

    Hi Poka!

    I’m wondering if there is an easy way or code to hide the “Play Now” call to action visible at the top of all the reviews?

    The reason behind this is because it is one review targeting many countries, hence I need specific buttons for each market.

    Thanks in advance,



    You can hide the link with the following CSS snippet which you can add at Appearance -> Customizer -> Additional CSS

    .review-up-area .review-logo-group .btn { display:none!important; }
    .review-up-area .terms-wrapper { display:none; }

    V H

    Thanks, appreciate the help!

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