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Home Forums PokaTheme support Erro php apache 8.1

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  • #17254
    Ricardo Nuno


    I update today apache for 7.4 to 8.1, and get error.

    Theme Sports, sportsbetting-theme-r2.2.3

    erro log

    [16-Sep-2022 05:36:27 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key -1 in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/themes/sportsbetting/inc/core.php on line 414

    Thank you


    Hi Ricardo,

    Unfortunately PHP 8.1 is not fully supported even from WP at the moment. There are a few notices that will be fixed in the future.
    We also plan to fix compatibility of the older themes in the next months but for now I suggest to stay on PHP 7.*

    Ricardo Nuno


    The error also happens in PHP 8.0.

    I temporarily reverted to 7.4.

    Thank you

    Ricardo Nuno

    Please update support for php 8.


    Hi Ricardo,

    This is just an update that we have released a new PokaTheme version and we have included a fix for this issue, too. Feel free to check your account downloads and get the latest version!

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