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Home Forums PokaTheme support Elementor in v4 – Stop working

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by admin.
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  • #17884
    Ricardo Nuno

    Hi all,

    I have already reported this problem in another thread, but I decided to open only this topic for this problem because it may be a general problem and in the other topic I put it in private.

    I am editing pages with elementor as I said and sometimes I am receiving errors such as on my custom homepage, after some edits I no longer have access to the page and I get the famous error “The Content Area Was Not Found in Your Page”, function “the_content”, do you know how to solve this incompatibility?

    I’ve tried several times to fix it and I can’t, and sometimes it happens with other pages where I work with elementor, and I even see code getting duplicated on the page.


    Ricardo Nuno

    I performed more tests and disabled all plugins, same problem.

    I went back to the v3 theme and no problem, the edit opens without error.

    I put theme v4, and problem back.

    I’m using plugin “Fullwidth Page Templates” ( which usually solves this problem, but in the v4 theme it doesn’t work.


    This is just an update that we have released a new PokaTheme version and we have included a fix for this issue, too. Feel free to check your account downloads and get the latest version!

    Ricardo Nuno


    I want to note that I updated today on the test site the theme 4.0.5 and the site is now with several errors and incompatibility with elementor.

    You can see the test site with the same access data in email support.

    I can’t edit pages with elementor, it doesn’t open… logo type of the site disappeared, some images also disappeared in blocks of reviews.


    Hi Ricardo,

    We have replied to your via email. We need to have a closer look to your site, waiting for your reply on the email. Let’s continue the discussion there!

    Ricardo Nuno

    I confirm that everything is ok, after all it was a mistake of mine in editing a code in the footer, thanks for helping me!


    You’re always welcome!

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