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Home Forums PokaTheme support Editor style is missing in Gutenberg

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  • #18586
    Asaf Bernstein

    How to apply the editor Gutenberg style? it’s currently missing.


    We are not sure what is the problem here, can you describe the problem in more details ? Can you give us a link with the site ?

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by admin.
    Asaf Bernstein

    I’m talking about gutenberg editor. In the review pages for example I don’t see that the CSS styles are applied there. it’s hard to know if there is less space or too much space, etc.
    here is a screenshot.

    Asaf Bernstein

    Any thoughts?


    You need to give us a link to your site to chekc it further.
    You can try to clear cache or use important into your css rules !

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