Hope everything is well.
I have a question regarding the affiliate casinos reviews.
In the case where the affiliate casino has multiple offers (let’s say 7 different offers per GEO – each with its own affiliate link), from what I have looked up, you recommend duplicating the review only to change the link and the offer (let’s say from 100USD for one GEO to 100EUR for another GEO)? Did I understand correctly? Is there a better way to do this? Duplicating the content has a lot of bad sides like:
1. Link format:
http://www.domain.com/review/casino_2 – Even you change it per GEO (*/casino_uk & */casino_de) – (This is ugly and unprofessional)
2. Multiple reviews for the same Casino on the Reviews archive page: https://prnt.sc/PlOhrLXIL9mb
3. Duplicate content in search review page ( only 1 or 2 paragraphs of the offer are changed, and the affiliate link – the rest of the content- Review itself it’s the same on all links).
And many other issues including getting penalized for this stuff by the search engines…
Would you please let me know if I did not understand this correctly and there is a better alternative to this?
Thank you in advance,