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Home Forums PokaTheme support Crypto Theme – Scroll problem in mobile devices

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  • #17818
    Stavros Diamantis

    Hello there,
    we have set up Crypto Theme and just noticed that in mobile devices there is a sroll issue just before faq section in homepage, at least using chrome browser. This is also happening in your crypto demo page. We also noticed that if you remove faq section or disable js files the issue is solved. So i guess there is something with js files and maybe faq block.
    We will have a closer look after Easter holidays and come back.
    Waiting for your report too.

    Thanks a lot!


    Hi Stavros!

    What kind of scroll issue do you face exactly?

    The thing is I cannot reproduce it right now, so if you could share some more information on this it would really help us!

    Stavros Diamantis

    On mobile devices (for example samsung) using Chrome and in Desktop using Developer Tools with mobile preview, using again Chrome browser, when you scroll down the home page after the section “Check out our reviews and choose your wallet!”, just before section “FAQ Any questions?” you can’t scroll immediately as you would do normally. Instead, especially in smart phones, the screen stucks for a bit (2-3 seconds) and then continues to scroll. The same happens if you scroll up again. If i remove faq section, everything scrolls fine.


    Hi Stavros!

    I managed to reproduce the error, it’s a strange one and I didn’t see it gone when I removed the FAQ.

    I’ve added it in our list for bug fixes for the next version, and I’ll update the thread once this is resolved.

    Thank you!

    Stavros Diamantis

    Your welcome!


    Hi Stavros,

    Finally the issue was that we were using a very large analysis PNG for the last block (Cover) background image.

    You can change it by selecting the Cover block and click Replace and add a new image:

    The same image but in lower analysis can be found here:

    Stavros Diamantis

    i just yesterday realised that! Changing the image you suggested solved the issue. Thanks a lot!


    Thank you!

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