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  • #7924


    First of all, congrats on the great theme , it is very nice to work with it.. but.. I seem to have a problem not being able to create a custom table list. I tried many different custom codes to get it working, but so far no luck.

    The problem is that I am not able to locate the corresponding “ID” of the review in order to get it to work.

    Here is the explanation according to the manual:

    reviews​ : If you want to display specific reviews you can list them by their ID in this parameter separated by comma. When this parameter is used overrides all the other parameters. For example: 12,20,22,21

    Example: [table_list num=”6” reviews=”1,6,5,3,2,4″]

    I am not able to locate the reviews that are corresponding to these numbers, because the “title” of my reviews are the brand names and not numbers.

    How do I solve this and could you give an example here of a correct custom short code where the numbers are replaced with regular post titles instead of numbers. If this is not possible please explain exactly where to locate the corresponding numbers of the reviews.

    Best regards



    Hi Sebastien,
    To find your Affiliate(review) ID go to:
    WP admin -> click on ‘Reviews’ menu -> click on ‘Reviews’ menu item -> The WP will show you the list of affiliate/Reviews you have in your DB.
    Hover (put your mouse on – dont click on it )on the review name you want to know its ID -> at the bottom of the browser screen the URL will show up, something like that: “”, look at the ‘post=’ parameter.
    In this example the Affiliate/Review ID is 238.



    Hey Discoman,

    Thank you so much for pointing that out, you are a live safer! I found the codes now.




    I am running into a new problem now. I found the codes but now I only see 1 review in my table instead of 6 when I am using my custom table code. I dont understand what I am doing wrong. Can someone post an example of a custom table shortcode so I can compare mine to that one? That would be very helpful.


    Hi Sebastien,

    An example using the reviews parameter:

    `[table_list reviews=”121,12,231,111,111″]`

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