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Home Forums PokaTheme support Affiliate list view / large – CasinoAce shortcode

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  • #17445

    Hey there!

    When I’m using a [table_list big_table=true] short code, it doesn’t show a relevant review short description. I mean, on the CasinoAce Demo under Affiliate list view / large example, the casinos do have a description shown. However, when I’m using the same shortcode, there are only bonus details visible.

    I’ve attached a screenshot for your reference – https:// /a/Z5iHdR5 (please remove the spaces)

    p.s I have installed CasinoAce freshly on a local host and imported the demo content, so there is no any additional CSS code applied.

    I would appreciate your help.



    If you use “big_table=true” the short description is hidden.

    The first table list you see in our Demo is this:

    [table-list sort="rating" num="5" size="big" style="normal" counter="true" score_style="number_stars" show_table_sorting="true" ]

    You can use the above shortcode or just use:



    I was talking not about the first table, but about Affiliate list view / large table

    It had the following short code: [table_list big_table=”true” num=8 sort=”title” css_class=.table-s1 .item .c4 p]

    However, when I’m using this shortcode, there is no shot description shown, only the bonus headline. You can see the result on #2 screenshot that I linked via Imgur

    Thank you in advance for help.


    Hello again!

    Again, remove the big_table=”true” and it will work.

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