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Home Forums PokaTheme support Affiliate links are not working properly

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  • #17505
    Media Alchemist


    In my website the affiliate links are not pointing correctly anymore. Only one which works is Olybet’s affiliate link. All others shows “” and they’re pointing to Olybet’s link. I tried to update some Unibet’s affiliate link from the review but seems like it’s no matter what I pick up for it’s affiliate link it still pushes people to Olybet.

    Gamblers Cafe

    Mine as well. Don’t know what’s wrong.



    Did you try to update Permalinks?

    1. Login to your website’s administrator Dashboard.
    2. Navigate to Settings > Permalinks.
    3. Click Save Changes.

    If you did and the issue still occurs, we should have a more detailed look, so please send us an email with credentials for your site at


    HI there, following up as I have somehow similar issues.


    Hi all,

    As most of you reached out through email as well, here is what went wrong in most cases:

    If you want the “Play Now” button of a Review to work properly, you need to assign the Review to an Affiliate Link.

    Then, you should edit the Affiliate Link and fill in the Affiliate key and the Affiliate link.

    Then it should work and redirect you to the correct link that you have set as the Affiliate link.

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