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Home Forums PokaTheme support Adding many casino blogs to the page


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  • #16916
    Angel 35


    When displaying casino blocks on a page, I can add them either by category or just by piece (this is already there by default in the template).
    If I need to display a large number of 100+ casinos on the page, but didn’t want the page to get too big.
    My 2 solutions are as follows:
    1) Can I make it so that I can display a blog or grid with only 10 casinos (this is already there by default in the template), and the rest for example 90 are hidden under a spoiler?
    2) Is there paginated navigation inside blocks or grids of casinos that are added to the page? Something like this is done in review categories…

    If there are no such features yet, will something like this be added in future pokatheme 4 updates?



    At the moment we don’t have ajax load more functionality in our affiliate blocks but we plan to add it as extra in one of the following versions.
    For now you can use the categories which is displaying pagination at the bottom, for example:

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