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Home Forums PokaTheme support Add FAQ Schema on review pages

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  • #6780


    I would like to know if there is a way to implement schema faq on Reviews pages ?
    I managed to use Gutenberg editor on Static pages so the FAQ are showed on google but for the reviews there is no possibility to edit those using Gutenberg

    Could you let me know if you find a way to make those FAQ schema works on review pages? As i would like google to display them on the SERP.

    Thanks for helping!

    A Ward

    Yes I have been also looking at trying to implement this too



    There is no FAQ feature currently in PokaTheme but you can maybe try a plugin, there are several plugins that support structured data in FAQ layout.


    You have one to recommend?

    A Ward

    I have tried a schema FAQ plugin but it does not show correctly on a review page. Also tried yoast but that need gutenberg/block editor which is not available on the review pages.

    Any ideas? Even a paid plugin will do

    Emre Goktas
    A Ward

    I have tried to use that one but it does not look very good on the page and also there must be a conflict as it doesn’t not allow you to add in any URLs


    Hi, if anyone else is having trouble with this or wants to hire someone to do this I recommend my friend who did this for 2 of my sites. You can contact him here:

    A Ward

    Do you have an example of the schema set up on a page we can see? Thanks

    A Ward

    Have tried a few plugins but they dont work on a review page. They will show on a post or a page but the option is not there on a review page

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