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Home Forums PokaTheme support Possible bug with Table_List_v2 in CasinoAce

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  • #12617


    I’ve just upgraded to CasinoAce 2.1.0 and right now I’m trying out Table_list_v2 settings

    Apparently I’ve found that if you use Table_list_v2 shortcode inside the review, it shows additionally ‘Positive’ text from the reviews that are shown.

    I’ve attached 2 screenshots for your reference. First screenshots shows how it looks on a sample page, and second one how it looks inside the review.

    Is it supposed to be this way?




    I tried to replicate the issue but it worked just fine for me.
    Can you please try to disable any plugins that might affect this and try again.
    If the issue persists please let me know.


    Hi again!

    I’ve tried to disable all plugins, that didn’t help. To test thing out I’ve installed empty WordPress on my local machine – result is the same. If you use Table_List_v2 in Full Width Sections, it does show the “Positives” that are inside the review.

    However, if you use the Table_List_v2 inside the sample page just by selecting [shortcode] and then writing the code here, it doesn’t show the “Positives”.

    I’ve added screenshot for reference.

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    I’m a bit confused because you mention that the issue exist in Reviews but Reviews doesn’t have “Full width sections”.
    These sections exist only in Pages and in Review there is only the default WordPress editor.
    In the default WordPress editor I tried to add the shortocde and I couldn’t see any issue.


    Sorry for consufing you, i’ve got things wrong. Forget everything I’ve wrote above, i’ll try to explain again

    So basically what I’m trying to do: I’ve created a review for the casino. Inside the review I write text, and at the end of text I put shortcode [table_list_v2 num=10 sort=random]. This way the table appears with the “Positives” (e.g as if it was added into a fulld width section on a sample page)

    But when you add the same shortcode into a sample page (not in a full width section, just in regular wordpress editor), the table appears without “Positives”.

    You can replicate the issue just if you create a new review -> add table v2 shortcode inside the review.

    All I want is to make the table look like if it was on a sample page, e.g without “Positives


    Now I get what you meant in the first place!
    I saw that the table shortcode is a bit different in Page two columns layout than Review two columns.
    I will add it for discussion and most probably it will be fixed in the next version!

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