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  • bryan

    Just a clarification: on normal text decimal bullet lists are transformed always in unordered circle list, so a bullet list can be seen. Nothing inside the read more.

    in reply to: CSS to change “Play” in widget #13710

    I tried to upload two screenshots but it does not work

    in reply to: CSS to change “Play” in widget #13709

    Yes, I need to change the word “Play” in duifferent languages. I tried opening the .po file but I did not find that string.

    I need 4 different laguages (English is standard so is fine): Finnish, Spanish, French, Italian. Please tell me what to do, it is urgent to comply with national laws or we are forced to go offline.

    It is weeks if not months that I am asking the same thing.

    in reply to: pokatheme forexoptions: “terms and conditions” #13608

    website link


    I tried to switch to the theme in the new folder, but it says now there is a problem and wp crashes.


    I did not know about that change. I updated directly the theme folder of forexoption v 1.03. This shortcode seems the only things not working.
    That means I have to upload a separate folder in wp-content/themes, right?
    But will there be conflicts?



    Link example

    I had already removed all of these shortcode from the website, so I put it gain in some pages…

    Please let me know.

    Best regards.


    Yes, sorry for typo.
    But that does not change the outcome. After the upgrade, it is not working anymore and I did not find a solution,even if I did again the upgrade overwriting the entire theme folder…

    in reply to: Polylang plugin issues #12408

    I solved by myself using another plugin to change directly ALL the menu.
    The theme is of course still in conflict with Polylang and your replies are too slow so I had to find a solution.


    Yes, the theme is just fine if I use it with a default configuration and ONE language.

    So tell me which plugin is working with you: I use polylang everywhere in my other websites with no issues at all. With pokatheme it has issues with the menu. I can’t even press on my mobile phone the hamburger menu…

    The default page is working, if I switch to another language, the mess starts.

    Pokatheme is the only theme with which I have problems. I am not a developer, it is true, but for that reason I do not adventure in strange modifications, CSS or whatever. I only want another language for the website.

    By the way, it is true I had lazy load plugin on. I remove it. Still no difference at all. Menus in other languages not working. I am trying every other solutions I can do without messing with the code, even because I DO NOT KNOW what to do in case.

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